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发布时间:2023-10-16 00:05:01 分类:行业要闻 点击量:
本文摘要:纽约时报原文:Actress Stone and Dior Differ Over ApologyTHERE is no denying that the high-heeled foot in Sharon Stones mouth at the Cannes Film Festival belongs to the actress herself. She admitted that her comments suggesting that karmic retribution may have caused the devastating earthquakes in China were blithering.Clearly, I sound like an idiot, said Ms. Stone on Thursday evening from her home in Los Angeles, after she had watched a widely viewed Internet video of her remarks from Cannes.In the red-carpet interview on May 22, Ms. Stone, who was about to enter a fund-raising gala for the American Foundation for AIDS Research, of which she was a host, told a journalist: Im not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I dont think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. And the earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma? When youre not nice that bad things happen to you? 6月1日出版发行的《纽约时报》时尚版刊出了时尚评论家Cathy Horyn对莎朗斯合的独家采访。

纽约时报原文:Actress Stone and Dior Differ Over ApologyTHERE is no denying that the high-heeled foot in Sharon Stones mouth at the Cannes Film Festival belongs to the actress herself. She admitted that her comments suggesting that karmic retribution may have caused the devastating earthquakes in China were blithering.Clearly, I sound like an idiot, said Ms. Stone on Thursday evening from her home in Los Angeles, after she had watched a widely viewed Internet video of her remarks from Cannes.In the red-carpet interview on May 22, Ms. Stone, who was about to enter a fund-raising gala for the American Foundation for AIDS Research, of which she was a host, told a journalist: Im not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I dont think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. And the earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma? When youre not nice that bad things happen to you? 6月1日出版发行的《纽约时报》时尚版刊出了时尚评论家Cathy Horyn对莎朗斯合的独家采访。莎朗斯合坚称自己在戛纳有关中国地震的言论被断章取义,她同时回应迪奥以她的名义公开发表的致歉歪曲了她的原意。在拒绝接受《纽约时报》的专访中,莎朗斯合回应她在戛纳参与一个有关艾滋病筹款的公益活动中显然被问到有关中国地震的情况,不过她特别强调那个后来被无数次播出的新闻经过了编辑的剪辑,她在一份用电子邮件寄来《纽约时报》的声明中说明:我十分伤心,一段10秒钟的被剪辑的很坏的视频,烧掉了我多达20年专门从事国际慈善事业的名声,我原本是想要协助中国人民。







莎朗斯合同时透漏,迪奥的负责人还没跟她辩论否要与她中止代言合约的问题。The comments created a stir in the Chinese news media and on blogs, and Dior, which has a modeling contract with Ms. Stone for a face cream, removed her from advertising in China, fearing a backlash. Diors Shanghai office issued a statement in which Ms. Stone was quoted apologizing: I am deeply sorry and sad about hurting Chinese people.In the 45-minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at first strident and then contrite about her remarks. She insisted her comments in Cannes had been taken out of context. She also said that she resisted Diors efforts at damage control, and that the apology issued in her name distorted her words.Early last week, Ms. Stone said, she received a call from Sidney Toledano, the chief executive of Dior, which hired the actress for beauty advertisements in 2005. I talked to Sidney and I said: Lets get serious here. You guys know me very well. Im not going to apologize. Im certainly not going to apologize for something that isnt real and truenot for face creams. Ms. Stone said the interview in Cannes with her remarks about Tibet and karma came at the end of a media line of 80 to 100 television crews. She believes, but is not certain, the interviewer was from a Hong Kong television station. The call letters on the microphone are blurred out on Internet sites showing the video.If Ms.。



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